The March pattern for the Sew My Style project was the Virginia leggings by Megan Nielson. This is yet another sewing project (I had similar feelings regarding the Saunio Cardigan) that I probably would not have made if it was not for Sew My Style. The main reason for this is when I plan my sewing projects, I usually don’t go for basics and I am somehow more attracted to more constructed designs.

At the beginning, I had my doubts about continuing the Sew My Style project as most of the chosen patterns seemed too basic to me. However, I am surprised to find out that I ended up wearing all the garments made during this project quite a lot. I think that my wardrobe needed basic pieces and as I follow the project I am filling this gap. In fact, lately I started thinking about how I don’t wear many of the garments in my wardrobe frequently and how I end up wearing the same clothes over and over. The main reason for this is probably most clothes do not have the basics that match them and complete them to a full outfit.

The Virginia leggings is a basic pattern that comes in two lengths: tall and petite. It could also be adjusted to maternity. The leggings are supposed to be scrunched at the ankles. I was not sure how this would look and to tell the truth I did not have enough fabric to do it. I made the tights size M and cut it somewhere between the tall and the petite. The fit came out quite good. This version is supposed to sit at the natural waistline but mine came out a bit lower which I prefer. For fabric, I used jersey with print. I am very pleased with the result and will probably make more of these to go with a few outfits. 



Posted by:mnahmiyaz

An "adventurer" by spirit, I love everything that is handmade with a special focus on sewing and some knitting.

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